Beautiful Dental Crowns SHOULD Look Like Natural Teeth!
A single front tooth restoration can be one of the most difficult cases I do in my practice. The front teeth, or “central incisors” are the centerpiece of the smile, and asymetries between the two teeth are very noticiable (not just to dentists), but to the public. Making a front tooth crown replacement match an adjecent natural tooth involves hitting a home run on several points…
Cosmetic Dental Crowns
#1 Tooth Shape & Texture: Obviously there must be symetry between the two front teeth, the angles, contours and embrasure (emply spaces, angles or gaps) between teeth must match exactly. Also, surface texture is an often overlooked and underappreciated aspect of cosmetic dentistry…but it is essential to making a porcelain crown or veneer look like a natural tooth and NOT a chicklet.
#3 Tooth Color, Brightness & Translucency: Teeth have brightness (value) and color (chroma) as well as a certain level of translucency. The ART aspect of dentistry comes in to play when I have to plan and communicate to my porcelain artist, what I want them to create. I need to take into account all of these levels and visualize what the end result would or should look like before I even start the case.
Cosmetic Dental Veneers & Porcelain
I love our porcelain crowns and veneers. We really do go above and beyond to make sure we make a tooth that matches perfectly with your smile and your exisitng dention. My goal is ALWAYS to make porcelain mimic life…to make teeth that are indistinguishable from natural teeth. See the case photos below and see if you can find the porcelain restorations :)
Set up a cosmetic consult to learn more about what cosmetic services can do for your smile!
~ Dr B